Manulife One

Your all-in-one mortgage
and banking account
Manulife One is an all-in-one readvanceable mortgage and banking product that lets you combine your mortgage with your bank accounts, short-term savings, income, and other debts.
With Manulife One, you can:
See how much you could save with our Manulife One calculator.

Let’s look at how Manulife One can help you take control of your finances.

With a Manulife One mortgage, you’ll be able to easily access your home equity when the need arises,

say good-bye to inflexible mortgage payments and you could save thousands in interest.

Canada's most flexible mortgage is here.

Discover what Manulife One can do for you!

Pay your mortgage your way
As long as you have borrowing room, you can increase or decrease your payments as you need to. And if your needs change, you can access the equity in your home you’ve already repaid. With Manulife One, you’re in control.

Save thousands in interest
With Manulife One every dollar you deposit from your income or savings immediately reduces your debt. Repaying your highest debt from your Manulife One account could help you reduce your interest costs.

Become debt-free years sooner
By depositing your short terms savings and income you reduce your loan balance and lower your borrowing cost. So, all your money is working for you as hard as it can - every single day.

Be prepared for a rainy day
Manulife One lets you be prepared for the unexpected by giving you access to your money when you need it. By combining debt and savings into an all-in-one mortgage, your savings work to reduce your debt, plus you can always access your money and home equity – up to your borrowing limit.

Simplify your everyday banking
Manulife One makes your banking easier by bringing all of your accounts together – so you only have one account to manage with one monthly statement. Take a look at our Manulife One statement to see just how simple an all-in-one banking and mortgage account can be.

Customize your mortgage
With sub-accounts, you can lock in a portion of your Manulife One account at a variable or fixed interest rate with an open or a closed term, so you can track that portion of your debt separately from your main account. And because each sub-account has its own fixed payment schedule and amortization period, this helps your debt get paid off by a certain date.

How Nigel and Dalia achieved financial freedom

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House with front lawn and surrounding trees.

What is a readvanceable mortgage?

Buying a home or refinancing your mortgage? Here’s what you need to know about readvanceable mortgages, one of the less-familiar – but oh-so powerful – mortgage options.

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Get a credit card with your Manulife One & enjoy a special reward

By becoming a Manulife One customer plus a new ManulifeMONEY+™ Visa cardholder your Manulife One Unlimited Daily Banking fee is waived for up to one year.

House with front lawn and surrounding trees.
Mortgage life insurance
Like all life insurance, our mortgage life insurance is designed to protect your loved ones. It’s an optional life insurance policy you can choose to purchase when you get your mortgage.

Contact a mortgage specialist

Calculate your savings with Manulife One